Thursday, October 20, 2011

blog assiment # 18

Barack Obama
According to Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was a civil rights lawyer before pursuing a political career, first as Illinois State Senator, and later as the first African-American president of the United States. President Obama continues to enact policy changes in response to the issues of health care and economic crisis. Also Obama's mother is Ann Dunham.His mother was born on Novermber 29,1942.

Obama's early life
Obama's parents separated when he was two years old, later divorcing. Obama, Sr. went on to Harvard to pursue Ph.D. studies, and then returned to Kenya in 1965. In 1966, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, another East–West Center student from Indonesia. A year later, the family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama also has a half sister Maya Soetoro. he also growing up he herds goats.

Excelling in school
While  living with his grandparents Obama enrolled in the esteemed punahou Academy. He was excelling in basketball and graduating academic honors.As one of only three black students at the school, Obama became conscious of racism and what it meant to be African-American. He later described how he struggled to reconcile social perceptions of his multiracial heritage with his own sense of self.

Law career
During this time that Obama, who said he was not raised in a religious household joined the Trinity United Church of Christ. He also visited relatives in Kenya which included an emotional visit to the graves of his biological father and paternal grandfather. For a long time I sat between the two graves and wept.I saw that my life in America the black life the white life the sense of abandonment I felt as a boy  the frustration and hope I'd witnessed in Chicago—all of it was connected with this small plot of earth an ocean away.

Entry into Illinois Politics 

Obama's advocacy work led him to run for the Illinois State Senate as a Democrat. He won election in 1996. During these years, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans in drafting legislation on ethics, expanded health care services, and early childhood education programs for the poor. He also created a state earned-income tax credit for the working poor. Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee as well, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, he worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

Blog Assignment # 17

Curtis/by Ray Billingsley
This story means to me this boy came to this girl and said wow you are certainly in red.But he was making fun of her just like a bully would. She did not now that she was being made fun of by the boy. So she was bragging about the collar red. She was thinking also that red is a existing collar. I think he or she put this article on here just to make people laugh.

Dustin/by Steve Kelly& Jeff Parker
This man who was working a valet parking out side of Walmart and he was not getting any cars to park for people to get 6 bucks every time he parked a car. Then his  friend came up and gave him a gift.  It was a cheeseburger. Then he stopped her and said I don't know why this is not working. I only whooped 2 car. Then she said that you should move to another place because of that old real estate. I think he and she  put this article on here also to make people laugh.

Jeff Macnell's shoe
 There was a monster who went to this bar.Then there was  bar tender who asked  the monster why arent you geting to maried.Then  the monster said I arready ben married numbers amout of times.He also said it didnt work out between them.Lpus he did not wamt to get married again.
this artical was to make people laugh.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog Assiment # 16

Milton Hershey
According to almost every kid in this country has at one time or another eaten a Hershey chocolate bar. Hershey chocolate has become famous around the world. But did you know that the Hershey chocolate factory is less than one hundred years old? And did you know that the founder of Hershey Chocolate, Milton Hershey, had many failures in business before he started his famous company.

  Also according to Milton Hershey grew up in the rolling farm country of Pennsylvania. Before he became interested in making chocolate, Milton Hershey trained to become a printer. He worked for a small newspaper at first, and then decided that printing was not the right profession for him. He took his new skills back to New York and worked selling candies on the street. But this second business also failed.

Also according to Finally, Milton Hershey moved back to the farm hills where he grew up. He then experimented with all sorts of different candies and chocolates. The area where he lived had lots and lots of dairy farms so he had a large and easy supply of fresh milk. Also he could get other supplies, such as sugar, from nearby Philadelphia. Then by 1893 he was selling a million dollars worth of caramel candy per year. Since his chocolate dipped and his chocolate flavored caramels were the bestselling he decided to make chocolate himself.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog Assiment # 7

warm up- If I could right about a famous person dead or alive I would write about Michal Jackson. I would write about Michal Jackson because I liked Michal Jackson and he was very famous. Also I liked all of his songs.

My featured person was about Michal Jackson.I have five website

The first website about Michal Jackson is wikipedia.According to   I chose this Websituse because it can give you info about Michal Jackson were was he was born like he was born in 1958 and died in June 25 2009. He was also knowed as Michal Joe Jackson. He died at the age of 50 Los Aneles California. He was a very famouse.

The second website about Michal Jackson is According to this web site saysthe UK based charity emailed online celebrity news sites in the aftermath of Thursday's announcement, warning of the profound affect that the sudden death of the pop star might have.Its army of trained volunteers were on call over the weekend to deal with anyone who felt distressed by the passing of Jackson and the near blanket coverage it has received.
The request to include the Samaritans number in reports was made to fan sites and celebrity gossip pages on the internet.It read: "If you are covering the story of Michael Jackson, you may feel it appropriate to add in Samaritans contact details at the end of any articles.
"Michael obviously had a huge impact on the lives of many fans and the death of someone in the public eye can have a profound affect on people emotionally.

The third website about Michal Jackson is According to ANGELES (Reuters) – In the final weeks of his life, Michael Jackson slept with a toy doll on his bed, was so heavily drugged that he sometimes slurred his speech and his big comeback tour was plagued with problems.That was the picture that has emerged of the King of Pop's private life during the first two weeks of the manslaughter trial of Jackson's in-house physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.
As bizarre as some of the revelations might be, they may add to Jackson's legacy as a genius whose stature has risen since his death in June 2009 at age 50.

The fourth website about Michal Jackson is According to  in July 7, and if you’ve been paying any attention to the news in the past week, you’d know that that means today is the day of the big Michael Jackson circus out in LA. At 10:00am Pacific Time, Jackson’s memorial service will begin at the Staples Center. A mere 17,500 fans will be in attendance, and with over 1.6 million fans having applied to win tickets to the service, there is certainly a demand to see the memorial. While many are likely to make the pilgrimage to LA to stand outside the arena, many more will be at home in front of their computers and TVs looking to catch a glimpse of the action. Fortunately, a number of our favorite websites will be streaming live video of the event.

The fifth website about Michal Jackson is to at the age of 13, Jackson launched a solo career in addition to his work with the Jackson 5. He made the charts in 1971 with "Got to Be There" from the album of the same name. His 1972 album been featured the eponymous ballad about a rat. The song became Jackson's first solo No. 1 single.For several years, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 maintained a busy tour and recording schedule, under the supervision of Berry Gordy and his Motown staff. Gordy wrote many of the songs recorded by the group and by Michael Jackson as a solo artist. The group became so popular that they even had their own self-titled cartoon show, which ran from 1971 to 1973.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Assignment # 14

There are three things I want to talk about George Muller. Who was he? What did He do? Why is he important in history?

The first thing I want to talk about is who was George Muller. According to,  George Muller was an Evangelist and an Philanthropist. According to, George Muller was born in  Kroppenstaedt near Halberstadt in September 27 1805. In January 1810 his parents moved to Heimersleben. About four miles from Kroppensteadt. That were his farther was a appointed in the excise. George Muller was a man of GOD.  He died in 1889.

The second thing I want to talk about is what did he do. He was a faithful man of God. Every thing he prayed for it just happened. Anything he asked Jesus for Jesus would answer him by giving it to him. According to, the German native, founded the scripture knowledge institute for home an abroad. He pastored a church for over 66 years. He also read his Bible from end to end almost 200 times.

The third thing I want to talk about is why is he important. He is important because he was a German preacher who moved to England. He was a missionary. He encourages others to do Godly things.  He also encouraged others to pray. According to www.desiring, He started the Scripture and Knowledge Institute for home and abroad because he was disillusioned with the post-millenialism liberalism and worldly strategies for existing missions organizations.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blog Assiment # 13

My first video is mom feeds the village
She wanted to feed the villagers, So she went out into the field and started to milk cows.then she took the milk home. Then she goes back home and freeze the milk. Before she freezes it she separates the milk from  the butter. Then when shes done she sells it

Then after she's done with all of that. She feeds her children after all that she does. She give her children work. They also have schools there in Africa. She makes her children do the dishes.

My second video is helping my family 
she cleans and sweeps the flore. She piles the trash and throw it away

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog Assiment # 10

Warm Up-If i had a million dollars I would spend it on stuff that I need.Then for the stuff that I wanted.Then if I still have money I would put it in my bank account.

World Religion
According to, God is a word often used for the creator and ruler of the universe. In many religions, God is the greatest source of knowledge, power, and love.God is sometimes shown as a humanlike male with supernatural, or nonhuman, powers. However, most religions teach that God has many different forms. Christians believe that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hindus believe in a powerful spirit called Brahman. They also believe that many gods and goddesses make up Brahman.

Sience and mathimatics
According to, Science  is the study of why and how things happen. It includes everything people do to learn about the world, especially about nature. People who do this kind of study are called scientists. They study many different subjects. For example, they try to find out how the universe started and how plants and animals live and grow.

Plants and Animals
Animals cocanut crab
According to ,The coconut crab is the largest land crab in the world. It is also called the robber crab. The coconut crab lives on islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans.the coconut crab has five pairs of legs. It varies in color from speckled white and orange to speckled blue and brown. An adult measures about 16 (41 centimeters) long. The crab may reach more than 3 feet (1 meter) across, including the legs. It may weigh as much as 9 pounds (4 kilograms).

History and Government
According to, History is the study of the human past. People who study history are called historians . They use old books, papers, and letters to learn about people who lived in the past and the things that happened to them. Historians study everything about past human life. They learn about the lives of ordinary people as well as about countries and rulers and wars.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog Assiment # 9

Warm Up-I wrote my featured story about Disney World. I wrote about and chose this place because it is a fun place to talk about. It is also a fun place to go to. I had fun when I went to Disney. We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. We had Breakfast with Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck and Goofey.

Milton Snavely Hershy
According to, Hershey was born on Sept. 13, 1857, in Derry Church, Pennsylvania. He became a confectioner's apprentice in nearby Lancaster at age 15. After several failures, he founded his first successful business, the Lancaster Caramel Company, in 1886. He created the Hershey Chocolate Company in 1894 to make chocolate coatings for his caramels. He soon perfected a formula for milk chocolate and, in 1900, the company began selling the "Hershey bar." Also in 1900, he sold his caramel company for $1 million.

Sports and Hobbies
Accordig to, Karate is a form of combat in which a person kicks or strikes with the hands, elbows, knees, or feet. Karate is one of several Asian forms of unarmed combat called martial arts. The Japanese word karate means empty hand. Many men and women learn karate for self-defense.There are four major types of karate Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Okinawan. All use the same basic techniques, but each stresses certain skills and movement

Amusement parks
According to, Amusement parks developed in the United States in the late 1800's. One of the earliest types was the trolley park. Railways built these at the end of their lines to encourage the weekend use of trolleys. The World's Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893, stimulated the development of the amusement park. The first important park opened in the late 1800's at Coney Island, a beach resort in Brooklyn, New York. They are also used for poples ammusement.

 According to, Animation is a way of making motion pictures. In animated films, drawings or objects seem to move.The simplest kind of animation is a flipbook. For example, a flipbook may have pictures of a character jumping. Each picture shows the character in a slightly different position. The pictures are stacked up in order. When the pages are flipped, the character seems to jump.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

blog assignment # 6

My featured story was about football. What interested me the most is when the NFL was called the National Football League. I like the New Orleans Saints team.
Xbox 360
            I like the Xbox 360, because it has good graphics .According to, the Xbox 360 is the second video game console to be produced by Microsoft and the successor to the Xbox. Also the Xbox360 can come in more than one color. Also the Xbox has a variety of different games. About 55 million Xbox 360’s has been sold world wide
Nintendo Wii
According to the Nintendo Wii one of the most anticipated features of Wii is its game download service, dubbed the Virtual Console. Using this Virtual Console service. Users will have the ability to download and play many or all Nintendo-produced games. Also while the gameplay will be the same for all of the retro titles offered the Console. Nintendo has stated that some of the games may be improved with sharper graphics or better frame rates, with a possibility for Wii remote adaptation.
PlayStation 3
According to, PlayStation 3The PlayStation 3 is the world's most sophisticated videogame console to date. Also the successor of the most popular gaming system ever. The PlayStation 2, the PS3 looks to be the system to beat with its superior graphics. The motion sensing controllers.  Also the networks capabilities and stellar lineup of games.
Nintendo 64
According to, Nintendo 64 or simply N64 is a video game console from Nintendo released on June 23, 1996. Also The Nintendo 64 was released with only two launch games: Super Mario 64 and Pilot Wings 64. The system is occasionally referred to as Project Reality or Ultra 64.Two names which Nintendo used in press releases prior to the system's launch.

According to on March 24th, 2005 the PSP arrived in the United States. Many gaming enthusiasts were waiting upon this glorious day. The Sony PlayStation Portable is a powerful gaming/multimedia device.
For the price of $250 you could have a device capable of many things such as playing music, movies, games, viewing pictures, running various applications, and even surfing the internet. This was not a simple task for Sony though. Many years of hard work and research went into making the PSP. There were many challenges into making it such as battery issues and such. In my opinion the PSP is the most powerful and wonderful handheld gaming system in the world.
Nintendo DSI
 According to, The-History-of-Nintendos-handheld-consoles.html from the first Game & Watch in 1980 right up to 2010's Nintendo DSI XL, we present a history of Nintendo's handheld consoles.  Also according to this website. Looking back to where it all began, the Game & Watch series was Nintendo’s first foray into the handheld gaming market. Appearing in 1980, Nintendo produced 59 iterations of its classic gaming franchise right up until 1991. As the name would suggest, the Game & Watch featured a single game displayed on a small LCD screen with the added functionality of also being a clock. Though each Game & Watch was only able to play the single in-built game, they proved to be hugely popular, selling 43.4 million units worldwide.