Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog Assiment # 10

Warm Up-If i had a million dollars I would spend it on stuff that I need.Then for the stuff that I wanted.Then if I still have money I would put it in my bank account.

World Religion
According to, God is a word often used for the creator and ruler of the universe. In many religions, God is the greatest source of knowledge, power, and love.God is sometimes shown as a humanlike male with supernatural, or nonhuman, powers. However, most religions teach that God has many different forms. Christians believe that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hindus believe in a powerful spirit called Brahman. They also believe that many gods and goddesses make up Brahman.

Sience and mathimatics
According to, Science  is the study of why and how things happen. It includes everything people do to learn about the world, especially about nature. People who do this kind of study are called scientists. They study many different subjects. For example, they try to find out how the universe started and how plants and animals live and grow.

Plants and Animals
Animals cocanut crab
According to ,The coconut crab is the largest land crab in the world. It is also called the robber crab. The coconut crab lives on islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans.the coconut crab has five pairs of legs. It varies in color from speckled white and orange to speckled blue and brown. An adult measures about 16 (41 centimeters) long. The crab may reach more than 3 feet (1 meter) across, including the legs. It may weigh as much as 9 pounds (4 kilograms).

History and Government
According to, History is the study of the human past. People who study history are called historians . They use old books, papers, and letters to learn about people who lived in the past and the things that happened to them. Historians study everything about past human life. They learn about the lives of ordinary people as well as about countries and rulers and wars.

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