Tuesday, September 27, 2011

blog assiment # 11

Warm -Up
If I could ask God 5 questions. The first question I would  ask God first would be if we will be able to fly in Heaven. The second one would be will we be able to visit our family while in Heaven. The third question is will there be a game stop in Heaven. The fourth will we all have mansions in Heaven.  The fifth one is will there be computers in Heaven.

Assignment # 11


Who-Former god-fathers pizza CEO Herman Cain

What-He was running for president as a business man

When- 2010

Where- Florida

Why- He wanted to make people not go bankrupt or become poor.  According tom ABC News his motto is spend less pay less.

trouble grows in Libya
who- The civilians of Libya

what- According to BBC someone stole there missiles.


where-in Libya

why- According to BBC this was to keep their country safe.


who- Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls.

what- The NBA Lockout.


where- Chicago

why-They were playing a basketball game

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