Thursday, September 29, 2011

blog Assiment # 12

Maria  Antoinette who she was
This women is the Queen of France and Navarre. According to Wikipedia In April 1770 is when she was married. Also Initially charmed by her personality and beauty, the French people generally came to dislike her for accusing the Austrian of being profligate and promiscuous. she was baptized Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna church. Also she was born in November 2 1755.

What did she do
What she did was she treated the aristocrats better. She didn't care about the pessints.For the aristocrats she gave them silk cloths and robes and they were fed and had descent beds soft and comfortable bed,s  they also had baths. Then for the pessints they weren't fed they had no cloths. They were also dieing of diseases  they didn't get people did not have bed they had  to sleeping on the ground.they lived in dirt they just wasn't treated equally.  

Why she is in history
She is in history because she was very rich. Also she was beheaded. Also she was born afer a king.She was aaristocrat.

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